
To install the packages, do one of the following:

Binary Installation

Binary installation is available for ROS2 Galactic onwards.

Source your ROS installation, then run:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-rcss3d-agent-basic

If this method does not work for your platform, perform the Source Installation instead.

Source Installation

Source installation works for ROS2 Foxy onwards.

Source your ROS installation, then run the following in your ROS workspace:

git clone src/rcss3d_agent --branch ${ROS_DISTRO}
rosdep install --from-paths src -i
colcon build

Confirming Installation

To confirm that the packages have installed correctly, source either your:

  • ros workspace if you did the binary installation (ie. source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash)

  • current workspace if you did the source installation (ie. source install/local_setup.bash)

List installed ROS2 packages with:

ros2 pkg list | grep rcss3d_agent

Your installation worked correctly if you see rcss3d_agent packages listed below:
